Agricultural mulch film

Agricultural mulch film

In the novel agriculture industry, mulch films are key determiners and play a significant role in the growth and optimization of agricultural products. In agriculture, mulch film is typically made from polyethylene and is used to increase the performance and optimal growth of plants.

Mulch film has the properties of reducing water consumption and weed growth and ensuring uniform distribution of light.

From polyethylene and an exclusive formulation, Kian Plast Mehr Aria Company has presented two kinds of mulch films: simple and two-colored, with the highest possible quality.

Product Specifications

simple and multicolor
White-black, white-silver and silver-black
20 to 50 microns
Up to 2.5 meters
UV feature
With and without UV
Suitable for
Agriculture industry
Made by

More Details

The mulch film is made from polyethylene material and serves many purposes in novel agriculture. For instance, mulch films are dragged on the soil to improve plant performance and growth and weed reduction.

The agricultural Mulch can be used as an insulation for plants as well as a protection against moisture, moldiness, and fungi.




Most significant properties of the agricultural mulch film

  • Increasing efficiency and optimal growth of plants
  • Preventing irregular growth of weeds
  • Light absorption or ejection, considering the mulch color
  • Plants insulation and preventing from calamity
  • Reducing water consumption significantly regarding maintaining soil moisture


Mulch films are produced in different colors, which are usually white, black, and silver. Dark silver mulch enables the early cultivation ability of the soil, while bright ones help plants that need cool air to grow in summer by reflecting the heat and cooling soil.




To produce mulch films technically and based on orders, Kian Plast Mehr Aria Company first produces the order experimentally and then carries out the mass production once the tests and verification have been completed. Kian Plast manufactures its mulch films from polyethylene materials with a specially developed formulation, resulting in greater quality and durability compared to similar samples from foreign and domestic manufacturers.


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